After these things the word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision, saying,

“Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward.” Genesis 15:1

We all acknowledge that Abraham was a great man, a man of faith. Indeed the Bible says that Abraham is the father of all who are of faith (Rom 4:16), and God calls Abraham His friend (Isaiah 41:8) What a great honour for one man, a man

like you and I to be given such recognition.

How did Abraham come to accorded such pride of place in the kingdom? Well, the verse we are looking at today is one of many scriptures that give us a clue to the answer. Let’s take a look at it again; “After these things the word of the LORD

came to Abram in a vision, saying, Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward.” Here God is building a relationship with Abraham. The foundation of that relationship will be based on how Abraham sees, knows

and understands God and how he relates with Him. God reveals to Abraham (who at this time was still called Abram) that He is Abraham’s Shield and Great Reward. God is saying He is Abraham’s protection, safety, security, and through Him

he will have a great reward of all of the blessing of God. Wow!  God is saying to Abraham that he needs to take his eyes, his mind and heart from whatever he had trusted before and put his absolute focus on God. In God he would have

everything. Nothing, no one could ever bring the kind of blessing and honour that he would have in God. Not even close.

That’s exactly what Abraham did. He trusted God fully and completely and God fulfilled all His word concerning Abraham. This promise to Abraham was not only to him, but also to us. Today I want you to know that God is your shield. He is

your Protection, your Safety, your health and in Him you have all the reward that you could ever imagine. Amen! Like Abraham, take your eyes off everything else and put your focus on God our Father. Don’t look to the left or to the right. Don’t

pin your hopes on anything. Man will fail, but God is forever faithful. You are in the best place when you stay connected to our Lord Jesus Christ, who is the vine, so that our Father, the vinedresser will ensure that you continue to flourish.

Why not take some time to meditate on this verse and let the Holy Spirit enlighten your mind to see much more of God’s goodness contained in it.

Feel free to email any further insight that the Holy Spirit reveals to you to and we may share this in future posts.

Continue to stay healthy and safe.

Yours in His Service,
