‘Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls’. Matt 11:29 (NLT)

Here are some words and phrases that the dictionary uses to describe the word Refresh; revive, reinvigorate, renew, replenish, fill up again and make cool.
Compiled by Esther Njoroge.


Rest is not just physical rest for your body. The real you is on the inside and that’s where you need rest.

True Rest is within, then flows to the outside.

What is happening around you does not determine the state of your life. God’s purpose is to restore you on the inside.

When you have the peace of God on the inside, nothing external troubles you.

Your soul is the government of your life. Guard it by not worrying about tomorrow today.

God does not want us to be tired, stressed, battered, or carry any burdens. That’s why He gives us rest.

Weariness does not belong to the kingdom of God. Whatever it is you are weary about, in your studies, marriage, job, home, future etc let Jesus carry it for you.

The yoke of God is the Word of God (His teaching). Rest must be taught.

When you rest you are being rejuvenated, reinvigorated, your cells are being renewed and refreshed. Allow God’s Word to bring rest to your soul

Rest is divine. Rest must be found, and you discover it by learning Gods word.

Outside of Jesus Christ, there is no rest.

Rest originated because work was finished, so rest is what happens when all the works is finished.

There is always something to do when it comes to work, money, relationships, studies, our future. That is in we cannot find true rest from anything in this world.

God rested because the work was finished.

As a believer and as a child of God, for you to have rest, you must believe that God has done everything concerning your life and your future.

Thank God that even before you were formed in your mother’s womb, God had your future planned and had already set out a pathway that gets brighter and brighter to a perfect day.

Rest is God’s promise to you. Enjoy it. Attach your faith to it and enter His rest.

You do not have to worry. Believe that the work is finished.

Discover this rest and embrace it. Jesus Christ has finished the work. Amen!